terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

World Peace ... How Can I Contribute?

World Peace ...
How Can I Contribute?

By being a part of the “Positive Thinking World Vibes Group”.

1.    No government can rule on world peace. 

Peace is an element that comes from your Soul, it’s a state of mind.

2.    World peace is the dream of billions of people. 

World peace is the dream of billions of people, as important as the oxygen that they breathe. Are you included in this prosperous group?

3.    Thought is the most powerful force in the universe. 

When we have positive thoughts, a sublime vibration exudes from us, like the waves that follow a rock falling into a lake. From the centre, circles diffuse and increase size. This positive energy enters other people’s Souls and leaves a mark, even if the other people find themselves to be greatly apart. Positive thinking projected many times in the same direction, one time after the other, will eventually penetrate a soul which would have repelled a single wave, giving the expression “strength in numbers” its full force.  
Thoughts create a continuous attraction to other identical thoughts. Positive thinking attracts positive thinking. Join these massive waves of positive energy!
Thoughts are just things. Transform positive thinking into a habit, no matter what is going on in the outside world. Positive thinking, when repeated regularly and systematically, will penetrate your subconscious and become a habit. You will realize that happiness is a habit.
4.    Positive Thinking is the only nourishment for World Peace. 

Both inside (positive thinking recorded into your subconscious), and outside (in your body and/or personal life).

You are responsible for educating your thoughts and emotions in any situation, be it in your life or in business - according to American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) “The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means of education”. Jesus Christ, the most important therapist of all times, had His goals and priorities well set. His personality was composed of a set of beliefs that enabled him to develop the most important functions of intelligence, as they allowed Him to train the tranquillity of His thoughts and emotions in the most difficult situations. He was completely brave, candid and calm; He spoke with assurance and determination; He was quiet under pressure; on the height of His pain, He was silent; He wouldn’t be quiet even when His life was in danger; His presence was kind and peaceful, even in the presence of His accusers; nothing could interfere with His tranquillity or sleep; His calm astonished everyone, though He was silenced, ridiculed, spat on and hated, and His shocking words never heard. He wouldn’t let the outside world tamper with His emotions. The Master of Masters was a master in educating His emotion.  
5.    Evolution. 

To evolve means to grow from within, to educate the emotions, the main goal of Humans on Earth. It is the Soul that grows and evolves throughout life, not the body. Someone with an emotional education will evolve from within, will know where to find the knowledge it needs and how to use it in life, and will use intuition as an instrument of the deepest knowledge.
5.1. The path of evolution

5.1.1. Watching TV, reading about other people’s lives in magazines or newspapers, gossiping about others are all ways of removing peace from your life. Be careful!

5.1.2. Read self-knowledge books. Have you heard of Chade-Meng Tan? Only the very best can get into Google. Chade-Meng Tan, a computer genius, send his résumé to Google and was called for an interview five minutes later. He got into the company with the number 107 and for eight years was an engineer no-one could say a bad word about. At some point, however, he decided he wanted more – he wanted to help his workmates to be happier. He got to work. He gathered round some of the world’s leading specialists in areas like emotional intelligence, positive psychology or meditation. With their help, he laid the foundations for one of Google’s most famous workshops: “Search Inside Yourself”. The prerogative is simple: we need to develop our attention span. Then, we have to focus this attention on ourselves and others. Finally, we will learn mental habits that will accompany us for life. Throughout this process, committed “students” will show an increase of energy, resistance, creativity and happiness as their reward.

5.1.3. Attend workshops on Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence and Meditation.

5.1.4. Get inspired by world-famous entrepreneurs. Think like them. Have you heard of Steve Jobs (1955-2011)? It is known that he started his professional life in a modest garage and borrowed money to buy his first electronic components. But one day he said "Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”. In a few years, this American tycoon was famous around the world as the co-founder, president and CEO of Apple Inc. 6 and revolutionized six industries. What does your inner voice tell you to do in your life? Mother Teresa of Calcutta walked 40.000 km for peace. She was fully confident that her actions had a deep impact on the world. She has always been a source of inspiration for millions of people. Both Mother Teresa and Steve Jobbs followed their inner voices with different evolutionary paths.    

5.1.5. What my inner voice (intuition) lead me to do. I will tell you the story of my life.  I asked and thanked the help of my Universe (GOD, Infinite Power, Unlimited Wisdom, Infinite Intelligence) in giving me an idea that I could sell online. I fully trusted the answer to come, so I was relaxed. In a beautiful morning, I was barely awake, when suddenly my inner voice whispered in my ear: “Your big family should be called humanity”. So true! I know that governments cannot legislate on world peace, as it is a state of mind. So how can I contribute to the greater good of humanity? From the answer to this question I created the website “World Peace … How Can I Contribute?” My inner voice also advised me to sell this idea for 2.54€ (Euros)/year (this amount was sent to me intuitively by the Universe and I under no circumstances question It. Part of this amount will be used for my own entrepreneurial ventures, and the rest will be donated to various charities, as I've been doing for years, like for example the Portuguese Association of Support to Single Mothers). Then, I acted quickly. Now, I feel happy.

6. Now ... 

When do you think of the past? Now. Can you change it? No. When do you think of the future? Now. Can you change it? Yes, now. The time is now. Act, now!

7.    World Peace ... How Can I Contribute?                                  

a) The idea is simple.

b) Your sole responsibility on this Earth is your own evolution: making your choices, making your decisions and accepting its consequences. The great Law of Responsibility was established to rule the Earth. Now, the responsibility is yours alone, to make the giant waves of positive energy grow in the world!

c) At this time take the responsibility to yourself, by paying the symbolic amount of 2.54 € (Euros)/year and become a member of the “Positive Thinking World Vibes Group”. For national and international bank transfers, deposit 2.54 € (Euros)/year in the International Identification Account Number (IBAN) PT 5000 3503 63000 64931 40052 and the Number of International Bank Identification (BIC) CGDIPTPL, of Paulo Jorge Barbosa Martins de Araújo. For deposits in CGD in Portugal, deposit 2.54 € (Euros)/year in Account Number (NIB) 0035 0363 0006 4931 400 52, of Paulo Jorge Barbosa Martins de AraújoYou can also create a group of friends who will own up to this movement together, helping each other out. Enjoy this money you’ve spent as you do when you buy something which you love to buy. “Strength in numbers”, as the old saying goes.   

d) Once this step is taken, feel the responsibility of being a part of the “Positive Thinking World Vibes Group”. This is the only way to create peace on Earth (a state of mind), as no government can rule on World Peace. Start this resolution on 5th January 2014, for example.

e) Display your Statement of Responsibility in your bedroom, living-room, kitchen, bathroom, garage, office, library. Fill it with pictures of joy, happiness, wealth, health and things that make you happy. Visualize it many times throughout the day and create a mental picture of you feeling joy, happiness, wealth, health. When you are relaxed, repeat the affirmation “Joy. Success.”, thousands of times every day, and combine them with your mental picture. Be creative. This is a universe of feelings. The goal is to develop your conscious awareness to its maximum capacity, to focus this awareness in your Statement of Responsibility (World Peace … How Can I Contribute?)

f) On 5th January 2015 go back to paragraph a) and follow this every year. Both inside, and outside.
g) Multiply this idea, pass this message to friends, family, acquaintances. 

7.1. Statement of Responsibility  

World Peace ... How Can I Contribute?

I, __________________________________________________ (name), born in _____________________________________ (village, town, city), ___________________________  (country), from ____/____/____ (start) to ____/____/____ (finish), now feel the responsibility of being a part of the "Positive Thinking World Vibes Group" and I am totally responsible for the creation of World  Peace.

Guimarães, Portugal, 05-01-2014  (example)

_________________________________________ (signature)

Positive Pictures

Positive Affirmations
Email: fausto.paulo@iol.pt  /  Facebook: Paulo Fausto de Araújo

7.2. Note. 

If you decide to write or type the Statement of Responsibility in full, do it without fear: your energy will transfer to that as well. Anything you write carries your energy.

8. Write to "fausto.paulo@iol.pt". 

My name is Paulo Fausto. I was born in the beautiful historic city of Guimarães, in Portugal, on the 5th January 1963. On Facebook I am Paulo Fausto de Araújo.

Think and Imagine Positive and be forever grateful that you can contribute to this pressing world cause!


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